sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008

today is saturday and we are in Kathmandu(Nepal)

let's go to ASIA!!! NAMASTE everybody!!! today is saturday and we are in Kathmandu(Nepal) we will be here until next week that we will go to Vietnam. We can't go to Tibet because it's close for all the protests that they're doing now, maybe the next month but we don't know yet. We will see. We were in India until thursday and it was incredible, amazing and exhausted... so many people asking to buy things, bargain, lying about tours... about the prize of the things.. but that happens when you go like tourist, isn't it? The driver was like :'ok let's go to see the city but before we go to visit an emporium just to see... you don't have to buy anything...but don't worry it's up to you ... but anyway i will bring you'(just because he has comission in these places, restaurants...) TERRIBLE!!! For me the last year like volunteer it was a little bit different in this aspect but the sarees , the colurs, the women, the children ... i don 't have woords to describe all of that.. it's been amazing, and with a lot of anecdots, memories... After 2 days travelling -firstable by jeep (13 people inside, don't ask how we did that) and by an indian bus (24 hours in total)we arrived to Nepal. During the way we were in a national party 'Holy' it's a party that everybody trow colours very shiny and brighty and they put in their faces, hairs. we were in the bus and all the children in the road were throwing bags with water-colours, jeje, sofi and noemi were PINK. in nepal the people it's very friendly and different, they looks like more relax and pacific... We will explain more in the next email we will do a blog and this one it will be the address, we will add more things and pictures during the travel there will be translater in the blog because is in catalan, spanish and a little bit in arabic.

see you!!! thousand of kisses BELEN
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the blog:


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